
On a mission to acquire and scale exceptional businesses

Past deals
& Investments


Twitch Alerts

Provides live streaming tools for Twitch, including customizable alerts, graphics, overlays, enhancing viewer interaction and personalizing streamer channels for brand building.



Offers a Twitch-dedicated chat bot with custom commands, automated moderation, viewer engagement tools, and integrated analytics for stream management and interaction enhancement.



A mobile app facilitating live streaming from smartphones to platforms like Twitch, YouTube, featuring chat interaction, stream management, and on-the-go broadcasting.


Motion Box

An online video editing platform offering collaborative creation and editing tools, making professional video production accessible and efficient for users and businesses.


Virtual Staging

Specializes in virtual staging services for real estate, transforming empty spaces into attractively furnished rooms, enhancing property appeal and marketability.


Give Panel

Provides tools for nonprofits to manage Facebook fundraising, offering donation tracking, data management, and supporter engagement to optimize social media campaigns.

Investors & Partners

Deeply rooted in Silicon Valley's innovative ecosystem, e/acc holdings boasts strong partnerships with tech leaders and market pioneers.

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